About Us

Our history begins back in 2012, one day one of our team member was looking for some Tajik Music, after a quick search he was unable to find a good source of Tajik Music. We decided the same day to launch a few websites and we shortlisted few domain names
We were able to launch www.songs.tj in the beginning of 2013, we soon start receiving a lot of possitive feedback from Producers, Content Distributors, Artists and music lovers. We launched our second website www.tajikmusic.com in the beginning of 2014 with 5 artists around 40 songs, we start getting contributions and today (2015-0-5-22) we are happy to announce launch of our new website www.tajikmusic.tj.


Why we are doing this?

Will it is simple we want to help artist and producers to share their work with their fans, we want to be a communication bridge between users and content providers.